- SChunk.insert_chunk(nchunk: int, chunk: bytes) int #
Insert an already compressed chunk in the SChunk.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
out – The number of chunks in the SChunk.
- Return type:
- Raises:
RunTimeError – If some problem was detected.
>>> import blosc2 >>> import numpy as np >>> # Create an SChunk with 2 chunks >>> data = np.arange(400 * 1000, dtype=np.int32) >>> schunk = blosc2.SChunk(chunksize=200*1000*4, data=data, cparams={"typesize": 4}) >>> # Get a compressed chunk from the SChunk >>> chunk = schunk.get_chunk(0) >>> # Insert a chunk in the second position (index 1)" >>> schunk.insert_chunk(1, chunk) >>> # Verify the total number of chunks after insertion >>> schunk.nchunks 3